When you think of horseback riding, it probably conjures images of someone sitting at the edge of a saddle with a large, bulky animal on either side of them. Unfortunately, this couldn’t be further from the truth! Saddles are actually designed to be as lightweight and ergonomic as possible, so that you stay as comfortable as possible during the ride. However, there are some riders who find that no amount of adjustments will make them feel comfortable in their current set-up. If you find yourself in this position, there may be a few different solutions that will help you out.

Change the Saddle Seat Size

The first thing to try is to change the seat size. This is especially important if you’re currently riding in a Western saddle. Western saddles are designed for a rider to sit further forward than in other types of riding, so if you’re not currently in the correct position, you may want to consider changing to a smaller seat size. Saddles with a higher seat are also often better for taller riders, so if you’re short, you may want to consider a lower seat.

Try a Different Saddle

If changing the seat size doesn’t work, you may want to try a different saddle. Saddles are made from a variety of materials and designs, so you may want to try a different type of saddle to see if it works better for you. This might also mean trying a different brand, as different manufacturers may use different materials in their saddles. It’s also worth noting that different types of riding will often require different types of saddles.

Try a Saddle Pad

If your current saddle isn’t particularly old, it may be worth trying a saddle pad. Saddle pads are designed to be placed underneath the saddle, and can be made from a variety of materials, including leather and synthetic materials. These pads are often used by people who have trouble with their saddle slipping, as they can help to keep the saddle in place and prevent it from moving around.

Try a Saddle Pad with a Saddle Tree

If you’re trying a saddle pad and it’s still not working, you may want to try a saddle tree and a pad. A saddle tree is a type of frame that is designed to go underneath the saddle, and can be used with a variety of different pad types. If you’re currently using a standard pad, you may want to try a tree with a raised pad, which can help to keep your saddle in place and prevent it from moving around.


Saddles are very important pieces of equipment for horseback riding, so it’s important to make sure that you’re using the right one. If you’re finding that you’re not comfortable on the one you’re currently using, there are a few different solutions that you can try. Changing the seat size is often an easy way to make your saddle more comfortable, but you may also want to consider changing the type of saddle you’re using.

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