When you ride, your saddle is one of the most important pieces of equipment. It not only impacts your posture and comfort, but also affects the way you hold the reins and your overall balance. The best way to ensure a good fit is by purchasing a custom-made saddle. But before you do so, it’s important to understand what goes into making one. A custom-made saddle is made to your measurements and needs based on your unique body shape and riding style. This article covers everything you need to know about saddle fitting so you can get the most out of your investment. Read on to learn more about how it works, what goes into making a good fit, and how to find the right saddle for you.

What is a saddle fitting?

A saddle fitting is the process of measuring your body and adjusting a new or used saddle to your unique body type. A saddle fitting is essential for every rider, but it’s especially important for first-time and inexperienced riders. A good fit will help you to achieve a more efficient and comfortable riding position. A bad fit, on the other hand, could cause you pain, strain, and even lead to injury. A saddle fitting is the first step in getting the best fit and most comfortable experience possible.

Why do you need to fit your saddle?

A good fit ensures that you are riding comfortably and efficiently. It also helps to prevent injury and ensures your horse or horse-rider pair is as comfortable as possible. A good fit will help you to achieve a balanced and natural riding position that promotes correct posture and muscle movement. A bad fit, on the other hand, could lead to irritation and strain in your legs, hips, and back. It also makes it more difficult to communicate with your horse.A saddle should be the most comfortable piece of equipment you own. A good fit can help you achieve this by distributing your weight evenly, reducing pressure on sensitive areas, and improving overall support and comfort.

How do you fit your horse?

The best way to fit a horse is to use a fitting sheet. These are simple tools that allow you to measure your horse and see where he or she is carrying their weight. You can then use this information to determine how to adjust the saddle to get a better fit. You can also use a measuring tape to get an accurate reading of your horse’s measurements. This will help you to determine the correct size and shape of saddle to use.To fit your horse, you should start by measuring their withers. These are the bones just behind the neck. The saddle should sit directly on top of them. Next, measure the length of your horse’s back. This is where the saddle will sit when you are riding. If the saddle sits too far forward or too far back, it will cause strain on your horse’s back and cause them to shift their weight to compensate. Finally, measure the length of your horse’s neck. This is where the headstall will sit when you are riding. If the neck is too long, the saddle will cause strain and put pressure on the back of the horse’s neck. It’s important to measure your horse from the withers to the back to get an accurate reading.

How to measure for a custom-made saddle?

The first step in measuring for a custom-made saddle is to measure your body. You can use a measuring tape to get a more accurate reading. Start by measuring the length of your torso, from the middle of your neck to the middle of your hips. Next, measure the length of your arms. This is the distance from the middle of your armpits to your hands. Finally, measure the length of your legs. This is the distance from the middle of your knees to the tips of your toes. Once you have these measurements, you can use them to create a visual representation of your body shape. This will help you determine the best fit for your body.

How to measure your horse?

The best way to measure your horse is to use a measuring tape and withers. The withers are the bones just behind the neck. They are the most common place to measure the back of the horse. This will help you to get an accurate reading of the length and shape of the horse’s back. Next, measure the length of the horse’s neck. This is the distance from the base of the horse’s neck to the point where the headstall will sit. Finally, measure the length of the horse’s back. This is the distance from the withers to the base of the horse’s spine. Using these measurements, you can then create a visual representation of your horse’s body shape. This will help you determine the best fit for your horse.


A good fit is essential for every rider. It will help you to achieve a more efficient and comfortable riding position. A bad fit, on the other hand, could cause you pain, strain, and even lead to injury. A saddle fitting is the first step in getting the best fit and most comfortable experience possible. The best way to ensure a good fit is by purchasing a custom-made saddle. A custom-made saddle is made to your measurements and needs based on your unique body shape and riding style. Once you’ve measured yourself and your horse, you can then use this information to create a custom-made saddle. These are some of the best ways to ensure a good fit and improve your riding experience.

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